Our worldschooling approach:

Our goal for worldschooling the children (ages 9 and 11) is to foster a deliberate education that is inspired by our travels, attainable, and curosity driven. The kids do school ~2-3 hours a day on days we are not traveling.

The kids’ school supplied us with the scope and sequence of each subject for the grades they will miss. We use these as guideposts for our own curriculum development.

Art: We use Domestica to select fun art lessons we take as a family to practice new skills like travel photography and watercolor. We also have a family journal and take turns creating in it. We use the Poooli Printer to print B&W sticker photos for the journal as we go!

Math: We use IXL which makes assessments, lessons, and practice super easy. They work on math 3-4 days a week for ~1 hour.

Spanish: In the US, the kids attend a Spanish immersion school. To maintain their fluency, they have a remote weekly meeting with their Spanish tutor (a former favorite teacher) and complete weekly assignments.

History: We created a timeline starting with the big bang and ending with the present day in the Freeform app. The kids take pictures during our travels and add them to the appropriate spot on the timeline. This is super useful to conceptualize the key historial time periods and apply it what we experience.

English: Weekly reading, journaling and vocab words (using the app Quizlet).

Science: The lessons are ubiquitous and have just been flowing naturally.

Question Bucket: When curosity strikes and a question is raised, we add it to the “question bucket” (ie: Notes page on our phone). Once a week we select a few and learn something new.

Social Studies and Spirituality: The kids make a few google slides in each country with fun facts including common religious practices and a special interview with a native. Check out their pages to see some of their work!